This Employee Handbook (the “Handbook”) is prepared and distributed solely for the information and guidance of the Crook County Senior Services, Inc. (CCSS, Inc.) employees. The Handbook contains the CCSS, Inc.’s general statement on present policies, practices and benefits that currently affect CCSS, Inc. employees. This handbook has been organized to assist you in locating and understanding employment policies adopted by the CCSS, Inc. Board of Directors. Adoption of personnel policies is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Program Executive Director is charged with the responsibility for assuring their appropriate implementation and administration. CCSS, Inc. intends to continue to operate under the foregoing policies, procedures and benefits; however, they reserve the right to make any revisions, modifications, interpretations, or deletions as they in their sole judgment deem advisable, and in accordance with the conditions and provisions of this employee handbook. While the Handbook does not constitute and should not be construed as constituting a contract of employment, it does represent the spirit with which issues and employee relations will be addressed and resolved at CCSS, Inc.
CCSS, Inc. urges all employees to become familiar with this Handbook and to read it carefully. Any questions that should arise should be directed to the Program Executive Director.
Employment At-Will
All employees of Crook County Senior Services, Inc. are employee’s at-will. No employee of CCSS, Inc. shall be regarded as having a contract of employment with CCSS, Inc. unless the written contract is approved and signed by the Program Executive Director.
1 Employment At-Will
1.0 Mission and Vision
2.0 Confidentiality
3.0 Attendance and Punctuality
3.1 Inclement Weather
4.0 Drug-Free Workplace
4.1 Searches
5.0 Cell Phones/ Email/Voicemail/Computers
5.1 Cell Phone Usage
5.2 Computer, Email Social Media and Internet Usage
6.0 Equipment and Vehicles
7.0 Smoking
8.0 Gratuities
9.0 Conflict of Interest
10.0 Equal Employment Opportunity
11.0 Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination Policy
11.1 Prohibited Behavior
11.2 Harassment by Non-Employees
11.3 Complaint Procedure and Investigation
11.4 Retaliation
12.0 Fraud Detection and Prevention Policy/Federal False Claims Act Policy Whistleblower)
13.0 Elder Abuse Policy
14.0 Transportation Policies
15.0 Safety and Emergencies
16.0 Security
17.0 General Employment
17.1 Nepotism Policy
17.2 Employee Records
17.3 Job Postings and Promotions
17.4 Pre-Employment Testing
17.5 Reference/Background Check
17.6 Waiting Period
18.0 Compensation and Work Schedule
18.1 Payroll Deductions
18.2 Pay Schedule
18.3 Breaks
18.4 Overtime
19.0 Employee Leave
19.1 Jury Duty
19.2 Time Off To Vote
19.3 Bereavement Leave
19.4 Military Leave
19.5 Maternity/Paternity Leave
19.6 Workers’ Compensation Leave
20.0 Employee Paid Time Off
20.1 Holidays
20.2 Sick Leave
20.3 Vacation
21.0 Employee Benefits
21.1 Insurance
20.2 Sick Leave
21.3 Immunizations
21.4 Travel and Expense
22.0 Termination, Resignation and Discharge
23.0 Unacceptable Behavior
23.1 Dress Code
24.0 Animals in the Senior Centers
1.0 Our Mission and Vision
Mission: Crook County Senior Services, Inc. will endeavor to provide available and appropriate services to seniors and persons with disabilities in a courteous, prompt, friendly and thorough manner.
Vision: To enhance the ability of seniors to maintain their independence.
Our services include, but are not limited to, proper nutrition in both congregate and home delivered meals, transportation, education, social services, homemaking, Personal Response System (Medical Alert), personal help services, chore services, respite care, and community resources.
Our goal is to assist individuals to lead dignified and fulfilling lives for as long as possible. Our hope is to assist in our eligible participants avoiding institutionalism.
Our image, while providing life-enhancing services for our eligible participants throughout Crook County, should be one that demands the highest professional and ethical standards. Our appearance and actions reflect on the public image of CCSS, Inc.
2.0 Confidentiality
Disclosure of confidential information is grounds for disciplinary action and may result in termination. All employees of CCSS, Inc. are covered under this policy.
CCSS, Inc. employees obtain information that identifies and describes an individual. This information may include, but is not limited to, his/her name, address, phone number, social security number, protected health information, financial account information, services provided, etc. This information may be obtained either directly or indirectly through the normal execution of an employees work, in their work and service provision environment, and through written and verbal conversations as well as through computer records, other agencies, and other CCSS, Inc. employees.
Any and all information obtained officially or unofficially concerning a customer shall be treated and considered confidential information. Eligible participants’ information must not be accessed, removed, discussed with or disclosed to unauthorized persons, either within or outside of CCSS, Inc. without the proper written consent of the customer. No employee may disclose information to a third party, including the eligible participants’ family and friends without expressed authorization from the eligible participant.
In addition, any confidential business or technical information obtained through one’s work at CCSS, Inc. may be used only in the performance of one’s assigned duties. A CCSS, Inc. employee shall use all reasonable precautions to assure that confidential information is not disclosed or used in any manner without permission from the eligible participant and/or the Program Executive Director during or after their employment with Crook County Senior Services, Inc.
All hardcopy eligible participants files and documents managed and maintained by CCSS, Inc. will be kept in closed, locked file cabinets at all times.
All electronic data files, regardless of the form or storage media, containing eligible participants information must be kept secure. Access to such files shall be restricted to individuals who have a “need to know”, and are accessing the data with a unique username and password that is not shared. Electronic data files must be properly backed up.
Eligible participant’s records may not be improperly destroyed or altered by any employee working for CCSS, Inc. All information must follow the records retention policy.
Disciplinary action will be taken, including termination, should any CCSS, Inc. employee be found to have disclosed any confidential information about a eligible participant to any unauthorized personnel or for any purpose that is not work related.
All information relating to eligible participant and grant programs and activities funded by or through the Aging Division shall remain the sole property of the State of Wyoming. Any breach of eligible participant confidentiality will be reported, in writing, to the Aging Division of the Wyoming Department of Health within 48 hours of its discovery.
3.0 Attendance and Punctuality
As a member of the CCSS, Inc. teams, it is very important that employees demonstrate dependability in attendance. Lateness and absenteeism places an extra burden on other employees and greatly impacts our ability to provide the services to our eligible participants.
The following are guidelines regarding attendance and punctuality:
1. The CCSS, Inc. Administration Building office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2. The Sundance Senior Center hours are 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.
3. The Moorcroft Senior Center hours are 8:30am –12:30 pm Monday- Thursday
4. The Hulett Senior Center hours are 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Any departure from this schedule must be approved by the Program Executive Director and may be re-determined at the discretion of the Program Executive Director.
5. As soon as employees realize that they will be absent or tardy, they must notify the Program Executive Director explaining their absence or tardiness, and stating when they expect to return. Employees must notify the Program Executive Director each day of their absence unless otherwise agreed by both the employee and the Program Executive Director.
6. In cases of absence due to illness, you may be asked to provide a physician’s note. There may also be times when this note will need to specify when and under what circumstances you may return to work. Employees out of work due to illness for more than five (5) days will be required to bring a physician’s note upon their return.
7. Abuses of Leave that causes disruption to the normal operation of CCSS, Inc. will be the basis for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Where appropriate, CCSS, Inc. may attempt to work with employees who have displayed attendance and lateness problems by providing counseling or other disciplinary actions that may include a verbal warning, written warning or suspension. CCSS, Inc. reserves the right to determine the form of disciplinary action, including termination, which it believes, is appropriate in any particular circumstance. Absences that qualify for leave will not be counted in determining whether discipline is appropriate.
8. An employee may be considered late if s/he has not reported for work within 15 minutes of their scheduled starting time or if s/he has not returned from a break within 10 minutes after the time the person is due to return.
9. Absent extraordinary circumstances, failure to report to work as scheduled for three (3) consecutive days, without notice to the Program Executive Director on a daily basis will be considered job abandonment and CCSS, Inc. consider the employee as having voluntarily quit.
10. Unsatisfactory attendance, including reporting late or quitting early, may be cause for disciplinary actions, up to and including discharge.
11. Excused absences are approved in advance with a “Request for Leave” Form.
3.1 Inclement Weather
When inclement weather causes a center to be closed, employees will receive pay for that day. However, if the senior center is open but an employee is unable to be at work due to public road closures then the affected employee will not receive pay for that day. The employee may utilize his/her leave (if available) if he/she so chooses for that day.
4.0 Drug-Free Workplace
CCSS, Inc. is a workplace free of drugs and alcohol and to discourage drug and alcohol abuse by its employees. Misuse of alcohol or drugs by employees can impair the ability of employees to perform their duties, as well as adversely affect our customers and customers’ confidence in our entity.
Alcohol - Employees are prohibited from using or being under the influence of alcohol while performing company business for CCSS, Inc. while operating a motor vehicle or any machinery in the course of business or for any job-related purpose, or while in any Crook County Senior Services place of business.
Illegal Drugs – Employees of CCSS, Inc. are prohibited from using or being under the influence of illegal drugs while performing Crook County Senior Services business or while in a Crook County Senior Services place of business. Employees may not use, manufacture, distribute, purchase, transfer or possess an illegal drug while in any Crook County Senior Services place of business, while operating a motor vehicle for any job-related purpose, or while on the job, or while performing Crook County Senior Services business. This policy does not prohibit the proper use of medication under the direction of a physician; however, misuse of such medications is prohibited.
Employees who must use a prescription drug, which might impair the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties, should inform the Program Executive Director that they are taking such medication on the advice of a physician. These employees are responsible for informing the Program Executive Director of the possible side effects (for example, drowsiness, impaired reflexes or reaction time) of the drug on performance and its expected duration of use. If use of a prescription drug could cause production or safety problems, the Program Executive Director may grant the employee sick leave or temporarily assign the worker different duties. Failure to abide by this policy may result in immediate termination of employment.
CCSS, Inc. retains the right to test suspected employees for alcohol and illegal drugs who are covered by and subject to this policy. CCSS, Inc. may require a blood test, urinalysis, hair test or other drug or alcohol screening of employees suspected of using or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol or where other circumstances or workplace conditions justify such testing. The refusal to consent to testing may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
Employees who violate this policy will be terminated, even for a first offense. Violations include refusal to consent to and comply with testing and search procedures are described.
See also Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Drug and Alcohol Policy Manual.
4.1 Searches
CCSS, Inc. may conduct searches for illegal drugs or alcohol on or around Crook County Senior Services places of business or worksites without prior notice to employees. Such searches may be conducted at any time. Employees are expected to cooperate fully.
Searches of employees and their personal property may be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated this policy or when circumstances or workplace conditions justify such a search.
An employee’s consent to search is required as a condition of employment and the employee’s refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
5.0 Cell Phones/ Email/Voicemail/Computers
Employees should use the CCSS, Inc. technical resources, including any voicemail, e-mail or computer systems, in the pursuit of the CCSS, Inc. business and only in that pursuit except as provided for in this policy. Employees should not use the technical resources for non-business and personal purposes during work hours. In no event should employees use the system in any manner that violates federal or state law, or to set up or to run a personal business, or to transmit offensive or derogatory information. Any comments sent through e-mail or voicemail deemed inappropriate under CCSS, Inc. sexual harassment policy may provide the basis for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
CCSS, Inc. explicitly reserves the right to store, reserve and monitor, and otherwise use at its discretion any data on the E-mail, computer and voicemail systems. Additionally, such data may be discoverable by opposing parties in litigation.
5.1 Cell Phone Usage
Personal cell phone must be kept at a minimum during hours of work.
Cell phones should not be in use while driving CCSS, Inc. vehicles.
Should the cell phone ring while driving, an employee needs to pull to the side of the road and come to a complete stop prior to answering the cell phone, reading text messages, or listening to voice mail.
At no time should an employee be trying to text and drive at the same time. Should an employee have an accident and the accident report indicates that there was cell phone usage, i.e., texting was involved, the said employee will be terminated immediately and the employee shall be financially responsible for the accident.
5.2 Computer, Email Social Media and Internet Usage
CCSS, Inc. recognizes that use of the internet and social media has many benefits for Crook County Senior Services and its employees. The internet and e-mail make communications more efficient and effective. Therefore, employees are encouraged to use the internet appropriately for work purposes only during work time. Unacceptable usage of the internet can place CCSS, Inc. and others at risk. Unacceptable usage of the internet may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
6.0 Equipment and Vehicles
When using Crook County Senior Services property, including vehicles, computer equipment or hardware, employees should exercise care and perform required maintenance and follow all operating instructions, safety standards and guidelines.
Notify the Program Executive Director if any vehicles, equipment, and/or machines appear to be damaged, defective or in need of repair. This prompt reporting could prevent the equipment’s deterioration and could also help prevent injury to the employee or others. Should you have any questions about the maintenance and care of any workplace equipment, ask the Program Executive Director.
Any employee who uses or operates equipment improperly, carelessly, negligently or unsafely, may be disciplined or even discharged. In addition, the employee may be held financially responsible for any loss to CCSS, Inc. because of such mistreatment.
Employees are not allowed to use Company vehicles for personal use.
7.0 Smoking
No smoking will be allowed in any buildings or vehicles utilized by CCSS, Inc.
8.0 Gratuities
Employees are prohibited from engaging in any manner of solicitation, or acceptance
unto themselves or any member of their immediate families, of any gifts whatsoever,
either in cash or kind, from eligible participants served or in any way contacted by such
employees while in the employ of the organization.
Proof of violation of the foregoing policy shall constitute just and sufficient cause for
termination without prior notice.
This policy shall not preclude employees accepting and delivering contributions to
CCSS, Inc. in return for or in appreciation of services received.
9.0 Conflict of Interest
It is the policy of CCSS, Inc. to prohibit its employees from engaging in activities,
practices or acts which conflict with the interests of the organization and the people it
serves. It is likely that employees will personally know and/or be related to some of the
eligible participants CCSS, Inc. serves.
10.0 Equal Employment Opportunity
Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Board of Directors is committed to assuring equal opportunity for employment by CCSS, Inc. We will provide equal opportunities for all people without regard to race, sex, color, creed, age, national origin, sexual identity, disability, economic, social or marital status, or political or religious beliefs that do not preclude performance of essential job functions. The policy of equal employment opportunity encompasses all aspects of the employment relationship including hiring, promotion and transfer, selection for training opportunities, wage and salary administration and the application of benefit plans and company policy.
10.1 Employment Policy
Staff members of CCSS, Inc. are employed on the basis of competence and commitment to the purposes and goals of the organization and a willingness to work to achieve those goals and purposes.
Employment may be terminated at the will and discretion of CCSS, Inc. with or without advance notice.
Employment is subject to the requirements of CCSS, Inc. programming and projects, the availability of funds, and the individual’s performance of assigned responsibilities to the satisfaction of CCSS, Inc.
10.2 Employment Status
CCSS, Inc. has created the following employment classifications so that employees can understand their employment status and benefit eligibility.
According to federal and state wage and hour laws, each employee is designated as either EXEMPT status or NON-EXEMPT
NON-EXEMPT: Employees who are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and Wyoming laws.
EXEMPT: Employees who are not eligible to receive overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and Wyoming laws.
In addition to the above categories, each person will belong to one other employment category:
A. Regular Full-Time Employee. Employees who are regularly scheduled to work CCSS, Inc.’s 35 or more hours a week and who are not in a temporary status. Generally, regular full-time employees are eligible for the CCSS, Inc.’s employee benefits package, as it may exist from time to time, are paid on an hourly basis, subject to the other terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.
B. Part-Time Employee: Employees who are hired with the expectation that they will work regularly less than 35 hours during each work week, are paid on an hourly basis, and who are not in a temporary or probationary status. Actual hours may vary on occasion.
11.0 Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination Policy
CCSS, Inc. strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. This policy applies to all phases of employment.
11.1 Prohibited Behavior
CCSS, Inc. does not and will not tolerate any type of harassment of our employees, applicants for employment, or our customers. Discriminatory conduct or conduct characterized as harassment as defined below is prohibited.
The term harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct relating to a person’s gender, ethnicity, race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, nation origin, age disability, material status military service status or any other protected classification that unreasonably interferes with a person’s work performance or creates an intimidation, hostile work environment.
Sexually harassing behavior in particular includes unwelcome conduct such as: sexual advances, request for sexual favors, offensive touching, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment when it:
- Is made an explicit or implicit condition of employment
- Is used as the basis for employment decisions
- Unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or
- Creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment
The types of conduct covered by this policy include: demands or subtle pressure for sexual favors accompanied by promise of favorable job treatment or a threat concerning employment.
Specifically, it includes sexual behavior such as:
- Repeated sexual flirtations, advances or propositions
- Continued and repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, sexually related comments and joking, graphic or degrading comments about an employee’s appearance or displaying sexually suggestive objectives or pictures including cartoons and vulgar email messages.
- Any uninvited physical contact or touching, such as patting, pinching or repeated brushing against another’s body.
11.2 Harassment by Non-Employees
CCSS, Inc. will also endeavor to protect employees, to the extent possible, from reported harassment by non-employees in the workplace, including eligible participants, patrons and suppliers.
11.3 Complaint Procedure and Investigation
An employee may select the procedure under which the harassment complaint will be filed. The varieties of ways which allow an employee to file such a complaint are due to the sensitivities associated with the conduct described as sexual harassment.
Employees who wish to report a possible incident of sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment or discrimination should first notify the harasser if possible. If that person is not available, or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact the person, contact the Program Executive Director immediately or law enforcement if the Program Executive Director is the harasser.
CCSS, Inc. will conduct a prompt investigation as confidentially as possible under the circumstances. Employees who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal; at the same time, employees have an obligation to cooperate with CCSS, Inc. in enforcing the policy and investigating and remedying complaints.
Any employee who becomes aware of possible sexual harassment or other illegal discrimination against others should promptly advise the Program Executive Director or other appropriate member of management.
Any employee, who lodges a sexual harassment complaint knowing the complaint is unjustified, without foundation, or frivolous, will be subject to disciplinary action which may include termination.
11.4 Retaliation
Any employee who files a complaint of sexual harassment or other discrimination in good faith will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment and will not be retaliated against or discharged because of the complaint. In addition, we will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, cooperates in the investigation of the complaint. Anyone who engages in such retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination.
12.0 Fraud Detection and Prevention Policy/Federal False Claims Act Policy (Whistleblower)
CCSS, Inc. has a zero tolerance policy regarding fraud. All reports or allegations of fraud of any kind, raised by any source, will be taken seriously and properly documented and investigated.
Fraud is defined as an intentional deception, misconduct, misappropriation or misuse of fund/resources or the manipulation of data to the advantage or disadvantage of a person or entity.
12.1 Reporting Fraud or Corruption
Any person who has a reasonable basis for believing fraudulent or corrupt acts have occurred has a responsibility to report the suspected act to the Director or to the Board of Directors of Crook County Senior Services, Inc. and/or to the Aging Division.
Employees who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal; at the same time, employees have an obligation to cooperate with CCSS, Inc. in enforcing the policy and investigating and remedying complaints.
13.0 Elder Abuse Policy
Should any CCSS, Inc. employee and/or volunteer witness or suspect that an adult
is/has been abused, neglected or exploited or who observes any adult being subjected
to conditions or circumstances that would reasonable result in abuse, neglect or
exploitation, said employee or volunteer shall advise the Program Executive
Director immediately and file an incident report indicating their suspicions. (WY State
Statute W.S. 35-200-101)
Program Executive Director shall take the appropriate steps in contacting the authorities
as needed, i.e. Department of Family Services, Crook County District Attorney, Crook
County Family Violence & Sexual Assault, Law Enforcement, and/or Crook County
Adult Protection Task Force. In addition, if the employee provides services for a
program funded by the WY Department of Health - Aging Division, it is recommended
that the Aging Division receives the information as reported also. Primarily the WY
Department of Family Services and/or the local law enforcement agency will conduct
the investigation of the suspected abuse and neglect.
CCSS, Inc. employees will fully cooperate in the investigation by making people and
records available to the investigating agencies. If the allegation involves an employee
of CCSS, Inc. it is recommended that the alleged perpetrator will not have contact with
the vulnerable adult involved. The employee under investigation may be relieved of
his/her duties until the investigation are completed.
The adult eligible participants may be informed that a report has been or will be made, unless the Program Executive Director or Access Care Coordinator believe that informing a
eligible participants would place him or her at risk of serious harm; or that the information may be given to the responsible person (caregiver, agent, guardian, or other fiduciary) inflicting
the abuse, neglect or other injury, and would not be in the best interest of the eligible participants.
As per WY State Statute: Should any person or agency who knowingly fails to report
any type of elder abuse, may be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment
for not more than one year, a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or both.
Definitions of Abuse:
Abandonment – leaving a vulnerable adult without financial support or the means or ability to obtain food, clothing, shelter or health care.
Abuse – the intentional or reckless infliction, by the vulnerable adult’s caregiver, family member or other individual of injury; unreasonable confinement which threatens the welfare and wellbeing of a vulnerable adult; or intimidation or cruel punishment with resulting physical or emotional harm or pain to a vulnerable adult.
Exploitation – the reckless or intentional act taken by any person, or any use of the power of attorney, conservatorship or guardianship of a vulnerable adult, to obtain control through deception, harassment, intimidation or undue influence over the vulnerable adult’s money, assets or property with the intention of permanently or temporarily depriving the vulnerable adult of the ownership, use, benefit or possession of his money, assets or property.
Neglect – the deprivation of, or failure to provide, the minimum food, shelter, clothing, supervision, physical and mental health care, and other care necessary to maintain a vulnerable adult’s life or health, or which may result in a life-threatening situation. The withholding of health care from a vulnerable adult is neglect if 1) treatment is given in good faith by spiritual means alone, through prayer, by a duly accredited practitioner in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination; or the withholding of health care is in accordance with a declaration executed pursuant to W.S. 35-22-401 through 35-22-416.
Self-neglect – when a vulnerable adult is unable, due to the physical or mental disability, or refuses to perform essential self-care tasks, including providing essential food, clothing, shelter or medical care, obtaining good and services necessary to maintain physical health, mental health, emotional well-being and general safety, or managing financial affairs.
Vulnerable adult – any person eighteen (18) years of age or older who is unable to manage and take care of himself or his property without assistance as a result of advanced age or physical or mental disability.
14.0 Transportation Policies
The van will accept riders for any trip as long as there is room available.
CCSS, Inc. employees have the right to refuse transportation to anyone.
Reimbursement is necessary for non-senior rides out-of-town. Eligible participant’s may pay by donation unless otherwise specified i.e. fun trips.
This public transportation system is not to be used for emergency medical transport.
Any passenger requiring extra assistance (i.e. assistance in the bathroom) or who resides at the long term care facility must have an escort with them to help attend to the eligible participants needs.
Seat belts must be fastened before the driver starts the vehicle and remain fastened
until the vehicle reaches the destination.
No smoking is allowed in any Crook County Senior Service, Inc. vehicle.
Pets can be transported for veterinary and grooming purposes but must be in a carrier
or restrained. Any “service animal” trained to give assistance, i.e. seeing-eye dogs are
permitted to ride with their owner at any time and due to their training should not have
to be restrained.
Due to the cost of the public transportation for the people of Crook County, the CCSS,
Inc. vehicles shall not travel outside of the service area as designated in the Federal
Transit Administration/ WYDOT Grant. CCSS, Inc. will only provide transportation
within a one-way 120 mile radius.
15.0 Safety and Emergencies
CCSS, Inc. is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all employees. Report all accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions and health and safety related issues immediately to the Program Executive Director.
Seek help from outside emergency response agencies, if needed.
You must complete an Employee’s Claim for Worker’s Compensation Benefits Form if you have an injury that requires medical attention. If your inquiry does not require medical attention, you must still complete an “Employee Report of Accident Form” in case medical treatment is later needed and to ensure that any existing safety hazards are corrected. You can obtain the required forms from the Program Executive Director.
A federal law, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, requires that we keep records of all illnesses and accidents that occur on the job. OSHA also provides for your right to know about any health hazards which might be present on the job.
In addition, the State Workers’ Compensation Act also requires that you report all illness or injury caused by the workplace, no matter how slight. If you do not report an injury, you may jeopardize your right to collect workers’ compensation payments as well as health benefits.
16.0 Security
CCSS, Inc. is committed to ensuring employees’ security. If you have a security concern, contact Program Executive Director.
17.0 General Employment
17.1 Nepotism Policy
Relatives of members of the CCSS, Inc. Board of Directors or the Program Executive Director may be employed by Crook County Senior Services, Inc. The hiring of Individuals, who are relatives of other employees, employed by Crook County Senior Services, Inc. will be taken on a case-by-case basis by the Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Board of Directors.
Relatives are defined as spouse, child, step-child, sibling, half-sibling, step-sibling, parent, step-parent, or parent-in-law.
17.2 Employee Records
The Program Executive Director shall maintain a file on personnel on all Crook CCSS, Inc. employees. A master file will be kept in a separate file cabinet locked in the CCSS Administration Building. Employees can view file under supervision and a manager can make copies of their file for the employee
It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Program Executive Director of any changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, military status, beneficiaries or person to notify in case of an accident.
Misrepresentation of any fact which you have provided information for your application, in your personnel file, or any other documents is sufficient reason for dismissal. Personnel records are the property of CCSS, Inc. Employees may review their files under supervision.
17.3 Job Postings and Promotions
CCSS, Inc. has a job posting program to inform employees of available staff positions. Job vacancies will be filled, whenever possible, by promoting qualified employees from within Crook County Senior Services, Inc.
To apply for a posted position, an employee must:
· Have completed any mandatory introductory period at a satisfactory performance level.
· Meet the minimum requirements for the position.
Employees interested in applying for a posted position should submit a job application with an updated resume to CCSS, Inc. indicating an interest in the position. Candidates will be judged on individual performance, conduct, experience, and potential. Length of service, although considered, shall not be the sole determining factor in selecting candidates for promotion.
17.4 Pre-Employment Testing
All successful applicants for positions with Crook County Senior Services, Inc. will be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing prior to their employment. All job applicants will be informed of CCSS, Inc.’s alcohol and drug testing policy, and a copy of the policy will be made available upon request. All applicants will be informed in writing prior to any drug and alcohol testing that these tests are required and that their employment is conditioned upon passing the test and conditioned upon any and all future tests administered pursuant to this policy.
17.5 Reference/Background Check
Crook County Senior Services, Inc. conducts reference and background checks on all new employees. Employees who have falsified information on their employment applications will be disciplined, which could include termination. Applicants who have provided false information may be eliminated from further consideration for employment.
17.6 Waiting Period
New employees will be on a waiting for a period of up to 90 days for vacation, floating holidays, and sick leave at which time a decision will be made by the Executive Director for employees and the Executive Board for the Executive Director. Employees will be informed whenever the waiting period will be extended. Staff members whose service is satisfactory in the waiting period may become regular full-time or part time employees, subject to availability of funds, the continued existence of the position and continued satisfactory work performance in the position.
18.0 Compensation and Work Schedule
Since each job classification is different and based on location, the amount of grant monies available, and the number of eligible participants and programs offered, each employee will be assigned their individual work schedule by the Program Executive Director.
18.1 Payroll Deductions
CCSS, Inc. is required by law to make certain deductions for all paychecks; Social Security (FICA) is deducted along with Federal and State taxes. At the beginning of each year, all employees will receive a W-2 Form showing the total earnings for the previous year as well as the total amount of tax withheld. In order to change the number of exemptions claimed, employees must complete a revised W-4 form and submit it to the Payroll leader. In addition to deductions required by law, other deductions may be taken for any benefit programs in which employees choose to participate. The Program Executive Director will be able to answer questions regarding pay or deduction.
18.2 Pay Schedule
o CCSS, Inc. operates on a bi-weekly pay calendar.
o Pay week is defined as starting at 12:00 am Saturday and ending fourteen days later at midnight Friday.
o Time sheets are due by 04:00 p.m. on Friday, the end of a pay period.
o Payday is Friday (one week) after end of time period.
o Employees utilizing Direct Deposit will receive a copy of the pay check detail. Vis US Mail.
18.3 Breaks
Full-time employees are entitled to a 15-minute break for rest twice each day
Part-time employees are entitled to one 15-minute break for rest each day.
Employees are also entitled up to a 60-minute unpaid break for meals during their work period.
Employee Meals will be prepared by the senior center’s for all staff (on duty) of the center as a fringe benefit if that meal falls within your work hours. The meals are tax exempt and need not be declared as income. Local match money is used for employee meals.
18.4 Overtime
Employees who work over 40 hours in one week (Saturday – Friday) beyond their negotiated number of hours (at the request of the Program Executive Director) will be paid time and a half for those hours. All overtime hours must be approved by Program Executive Director prior to working the hours. Without prior permission, no overtime will be paid.
19.0 Employee Leave
Leave of Absence General Policy. All leave of absences must be submitted in writing
and directed to the Program Executive Director. Employees shall notify the Program
Executive Director as soon as possible of their absence or anticipated absence.
Recognizing that on occasions there are extra ordinary circumstances where prior
written /or verbal notice is not possible, in these instances, call and leave a voice mail
and follow up with a written report of how these days should be taken.
Types of Leave of Absences which require immediate attention of the Program Executive Director for review and approval are: Jury Duty, Time Off to Vote, Bereavement Leave, Military Leave, Maternity/Paternity Leave, Workers’ Compensation Leave, Sick Leave, and Annual (vacation) Leave.
19.1 Jury Duty
CCSS, Inc. supports employees in fulfilling their civic responsibilities by serving jury duty when required. Employees shall not lose regular pay or leave accrual while serving on jury duty. Compensation for such leave shall be limited to the difference between pay received for this service and the employee’s regular pay. The employee shall provide proof of all compensation received to the Program Executive Director. It is suggested that the employee turn his/her compensation for jury duty into CCSS, Inc. who will then reimburse the employee his pay for the day(s) of jury duty.
You must inform the Program Executive Director as soon as possible after receiving a jury summons so that arrangements can be made to accommodate your absence. You will be expected to report for work during your service whenever the court schedule permits.
19.2 Time Off To Vote
Employees are encouraged to vote outside of working hours. When this is not possible, full-time employees shall be granted paid leave not to exceed one hour in order to vote; such leave shall also be granted to part-time employees scheduled to work eight hours on that particular day.
19.3 Bereavement Leave
In the event of a death in an employee’s family, CCSS, Inc. will provide employees with certain paid time off to make necessary arrangements and to attend the funeral.
Employees may receive up to three (3) days of paid leave, for the bereavement of a: Spouse
One’s own child or step-child, grandchild
Parents or In-laws
Siblings of either spouse
Grandparent of either spouse
Proof of death may be required. Employees may take Bereavement Leave, for other funerals, from vacation leave or holiday time off, if available.
19.4 Military Leave
Pursuant to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), CCSS, Inc. prohibits discrimination against persons because of their service in the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard and the Air Force National Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training, or full-time National Guard duty, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency.
Employees who are members of the U.S. Reserves or National Guard are entitled to 15 days of unpaid leave annually for military duty training.
If an employee is inducted, or is recalled to active duty for a period of not more than four years, such leave will protect the employee’s service with CCSS, Inc. Employees are required to notify the Program Executive Director immediately after receiving orders for active duty.
Upon satisfactory completion of employee’s military service and timely notice of intent to return to work, the employee will be reinstated to a job comparable to the one left, provided employee is qualified and CCSS, Inc. circumstances have not changed to the extent that it would be impossible or unreasonable to provide re-employment.
A full time regular employee will be protected from loss of income as a result of participation in the Military Reserves or the National Guard. If the military pay received for military training exceeds that which would be earned by the employee through CCSS, Inc., the leave shall be granted without pay. Otherwise the county shall pay the difference if the military pay is less that of which would be earned through CCSS, Inc.
19.5 Maternity/Paternity Leave
All regular full-time employees of CCSS, Inc. who have completed 90 days of service with CCSS, Inc. are eligible for Maternity/Paternity Leave. Employees may receive up to 12 weeks of leave for the birth of a child, the adoption of a child less than 18 years of age or for the adoption of a child less than 23 years of age if the child is mentally or physically disabled. The Maternity/Paternity Leave shall be unpaid, but if an employee has accrued sick time or annual leave time; that paid sick time or annual leave must be taken before any additional unpaid leave up to, but not exceeding, 12 weeks. CCSS, Inc. provides this leave policy for men as well as women.
To be eligible for maternity/paternity leave under this section, an employee must provide in writing: (1) at least two weeks advance notice, if practicable, of his or her departure date to the Program Executive Director; and (2) a statement of intention to return to work at the conclusion of the leave. It should be noted that at the end of the twelve week leave, if the employee does not return to work, and has not applied for and received additional leave under the terms of another leave of absence policy, then CCSS, Inc. will consider him or her to have resigned from the CCSS, Inc.
19.6 Workers’ Compensation Leave
CCSS, Inc. provides a statutory workers’ compensation insurance program. This program covers any injury or illness sustained in the course of employment that requires medical, surgical, or hospital treatment. Subject to applicable legal requirements, workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits after a short waiting period or immediately if the employee is hospitalized.
Employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses should inform the Program Executive Director immediately. No matter how minor an on-the-job injury may appear, it is important that employees report it at once to be eligible to qualify for workers compensation coverage as quickly as possible.
An employee who suffers a work-related injury may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation Leave depending on the circumstances. If qualified for any leave, the procedures and policies of the applicable policy shall govern. Any employee with a work-related injury is expected to follow CCSS, Inc. policies and procedures relating to the reporting of any injury and seeking immediate medical attention.
An employee will be expected to provide appropriate information and documentation (including medical documentation) during and upon return from a leave of absence, as may be requested by CCSS, Inc. Also, during the leave or prior to return to employment, the employee may be required to provide supporting information to CCSS, Inc. and may be required to be evaluated by a physician engaged (and paid for) by CCSS, Inc.
20.0 Employee Paid Time Off
20.1 Holidays
CCSS, Inc. observes the following holidays and all senior centers and the administrative office will be closed:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Friday
Christmas Day
Each center will be open on Martin Luther King Day (Equality Day) – Monday, President’s Day – Monday and Veteran’s Day - November 11th; as such these are not paid Holidays for CCSS, Inc. employees. Instead, CCSS, Inc. employees will have (1) floating Holiday to use as they wish as a substitute for (1) holiday.
When a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday will be observed. When the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed. Holiday leave will only be allotted for a scheduled work day. No unused Holiday(s) will be paid at time of termination or resignation.
20.2 Sick Leave
Full-time employees shall accrue sick leave with pay at the rate of up to eight (8) hours each full calendar month of employment up to a maximum accrual of twenty (20) days. Accrued sick leave is calculated on actual hours worked. Sick leave will only be allotted for a scheduled work day.
Part-time employees shall accrue sick leave with pay on a pro-rata basis (1 hour of sick time earned for every 20 hours worked, up to 8 hours per month.) each full calendar month of employment to a maximum accrual of twenty (20) days. Accrued sick leave is calculated on actual hours worked.
When an employee has used all his accrued sick leave he may use his accrued vacation leave. If he is still unable to return to work he may take a leave of absence without pay at the discretion of the Program Executive Director.
Sick leave will be recognized for the following people:
Said Employee
Spouse of said Employee
Said Employee’s own child or step-child living with employee
CCSS, Inc. reserves the right to request a doctor’s certificate for any sick days requested. If such a certificate is requested and an employee cannot produce it, the absence may be considered unexcused, and the employee will not be paid.
No sick leave will be paid at time of termination or resignation. Employees will only carry over 100 Hrs. of sick leave January 1st of every year. There will be no compensation for lost sick leave. Employees may donate their sick leave with director approval.
20.3 Vacation
Vacation leave accrues from a staff member’s date of employment at a rate of up to eight (8) hours per month, for a total of up to 96 hours. Accrued vacation leave is calculated on actual hours worked.
Employees must request, in writing time off in advance and obtain approval to using vacation leave. If taken in increments of more than two days, the employee must submit their request at least two weeks in advance and obtain approval from the Program Executive Director. Vaccation leave will only be allotted for a scheduled work day.
Vacation leave should be utilized in the calendar year which it is earned, however the CCSS, Inc. Board of Directors will allow up to forty (40) hours of vacation time to be carried over into the next calendar year. All accrued time over 40 hours will be paid at the end of the calendar year. Vacation leave may not be taken in more than two (2) week installments unless approved in advance by the Program Executive Director.
Within the next pay period upon involuntary termination of employment or voluntary termination of employment, CCSS, Inc. will pay the employee all unused, earned vacation and hours worked in accordance with his/her rate of compensation at the time of termination.
Full-time employees shall accrue vacation leave with pay at the rate of up to eight (8) hours each full calendar month of employment up to a maximum accrual of twelve (12) days.
Part-time employees shall accrue vacation leave with pay on a pro-rata basis (1 hour of sick time earned for every 20 hours worked, up to 8 hours per month.) each full calendar month of employment to a maximum accrual of twelve (12) days.
The Program Executive Director shall grant vacation leave on the basis of the work requirements of the agency. Preference in the scheduling of vacation leave shall be given solely at the discretion of the Program Executive Director.
Staff at each site should try to coordinate their vacation requests, so that no more than one staff person per site is off at a time. Should a circumstance arise where more than one staff person is requesting the same time off, the following criteria will be utilized to determine which of the staff will be awarded the time off. It is hoped that staff will be able to review the criteria and equitably coordinate the time off on their own. However, the Executive Director will make the decision if consensus is not reached.
Should a circumstance arise in which an employee requests to carry over more than the allotted forty (40) hours of vacation – this request must be approved by both the Director and the Board of Directors.
21.0 Employee Benefits
21.1 Insurance
CCSS, Inc. does not offer any type of insurance for employees.
21.2 Retirement Savings Plan
CCSS, Inc. does not offer any type of retirement savings plan for employees.
21.3 Immunizations
Employees of CCSS, Inc. are offered the following vaccines at no charge.
o Tetanus/Diphtheria
o TB Skin Test
o Hepatitis A&B
o Flu Vaccination
21.4 Travel and Expense
Employees will be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses they incur while traveling on CCSS, Inc. business.
No mileage will be paid to any staff for transportation to come to and from work.
The Program Executive Director will make any and all prior arrangements for a motel/hotel room and training registration if required.
When using Reimbursement process, employees on authorized travel/business must record all travel and business activities on the Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Travel Voucher and Claim for Reimbursement for Employees and submit it to the Program Executive Director. All receipts for meals, gas, lodging and other miscellaneous purchase as approved by Program Executive Director must be attached to the Travel Voucher and Claim for Reimbursement for Employees Form.
Employees will be reimbursed for approved expenses of travel including reasonable costs associated costs performed in the course of conducting CCSS business.
1. All travel must be approved in advance by the Director.
2. Under normal circumstances, you are to use the most expedient mode of transportation available, to book the most economical fares and to stay at and eat at moderately priced establishments.
3. Your expenses for approved travel will be paid or reimbursed when properly documented and approved by the Director. You are expected to exercise prudent discretion in incurring expenses while traveling for CCSS. Any travel expenses deemed unreasonable relative to the circumstances will not be paid or reimbursed and are your personal responsibility. No reimbursement is allowed for alcoholic beverages or personal phone calls.
4. You may obtain a cash advance for approved CCSS business travel by submitting a written request to the Director.
5. Time spent by employees when traveling away from home on CCSS business during normal working hours is considered hours worked for pay purposes.
6. Meal expenses must be reasonable and documentation must be approved by the Director. Tips for meals are allowed for a maximum of 15 % of the meal cost any amount more than 15% is the responsibility of the employee.
7. Itemized receipts will be submitted in a timely manner to the Director for payment. Reviewed, 17
22.0 Termination, Resignation and Discharge
Since employment with CCSS, Inc. is based on mutual consent, it is at-will employment and either party has a right to terminate employment at any time. Employees who wish to resign their positions are asked to notify CCSS, Inc. of their anticipated departure date at least two weeks in advance. This notice should take the form of a written statement submitted to the Program Executive Director.
Employee benefits will be affected by employment termination. CCSS, Inc. will pay the departing employee all accrued wages and vacation as of the time of termination in accordance with applicable law (next pay period).
If a reduction in the work force is necessary, employees shall be given at least fourteen
(14) calendar days prior written notice by the Program Executive Director before their
reduction in force separation.
Employees to be terminated will be notified by the Program Executive Director.
23.0 Unacceptable Behavior
To provide a pleasant environment in which to work, we expect CCSS, Inc. employees to maintain a high standard of conduct at all times. Listed below are some examples of conduct that we would find unacceptable from all employees. Since it is not possible to anticipate and establish a rule for every possible situation, the list described below is non-exclusive, and CCSS, Inc. may discipline or discharge employees for misconduct of any kind, whether or not listed below. Also, the form of
discipline-be it counseling, warning, suspension or termination-will be determined on an individual case-by-case basis. Where the conduct is not of a severe nature and CCSS, Inc. determines that corrective action may correct the behavior, disciplinary action short of termination may be implemented. In each case, CCSS, Inc. will respond to the situation in the best interest of employees, eligible participants, community partners and CCSS, Inc.
23.1 Dress Code
CCSS dress code policy is designed to help us all provide a consistent professional appearance to our customers and colleagues. Our appearance reflects on ourselves and the company. The goal is to be sure that we maintain a positive appearance and not to offend customers, clients, or colleagues.
· Employees are expected to dress in business casual attire unless the day’s tasks require otherwise.
· Employees must always present a clean, professional appearance. Everyone is expected to be well-groomed and wear clean clothing, free of holes, tears, or other signs of wear.
· Clothing with offensive or inappropriate designs or stamps are not allowed.
· Clothing should not be too revealing.
· Clothing and grooming styles dictated by religion or ethnicity are exempt.
· No open toe shoes are allowed.
· No tank tops allowed in the kitchen.
Managers or supervisors are expected to inform employees when they are violating the dress code. Employees in violation are expected to immediately correct the issue. This may include having to leave work to change clothes.
Repeated violations or violations that have major repercussions may result in disciplinary action being taken up to and including termination.
24.0 Animals in Senior Centers
Only services animals are allowed in food establishments as listed in Chapter 9 Section 52 of the 2012 Food Safety Rule.
According to Sundance Senior Citizens Center House Rules and Crook County Senior Services, Inc. policy, no animals/pets are allowed on premises.
Person(s) who violate this policy may be banned from the senior center(s).
Employee Acknowledgement
I, ________________________________________________________________ ,
Employee's Name (please print)
have received a copy of the Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Employee Handbook.
I understand that the nature of the employment relationship is "at-will",
which means that either Crook County Senior Services, Inc. or I may choose to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without advance notice.
I also understand and acknowledge that I am responsible for reading and following the policies and procedures described in this handbook.
I also understand that the policies and procedures described in this Handbook are not all inclusive, and that I am responsible for asking the Program Executive Director for additional information as it is needed.
I understand that this Handbook has been prepared for my general information and is not intended to create any contractual rights or other legal obligations by Crook County Senior Services, Inc.
Dated this ______ day of ____________, 202__
Employee's Signature
Employee Printed Name
The Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Board Officers at their June 22 Board Meeting adopted this employee handbook. Revisions as dated.